Tech Giants Collapse, Entertainment Industry Next? One Man’s Bold Prediction!

You know, the state of storytelling today reminds me a lot of what’s happening in business and tech. 


Just like the way major companies are focused on ticking all the wrong boxes—DEI compliance over quality, flashy features no one uses over customer service, and hiking prices while delivering worse results—the comic book industry has its own set of issues. 


Hollywood and mainstream comics keep rehashing the same old stories, painting Muslims as the bad guys at worst (or fruity and irrelevant at best), and failing to portray our heroes and historical figures in a way that’s true to the real world. 


That’s what inspired me to change the game. 


Let me tell you about my journey: 


Years ago, I stumbled across an article that changed my life—“How the Muslims Killed Dracula” by Shibli Zaman. It opened my eyes to the truth behind Dracula (or Vlad the Impaler) and his brother Radu. Radu was a loyal Muslim who stood beside Sultan Mehmet II, helping take down Constantinople. Yet, he’s been erased from the narrative, replaced by the glorified tales of Dracula. 


I thought: Why are Muslims never the heroes? Why are we always the villains in Western media? 


And so, I decided to do something about it. 


Instead of just complaining about the problem, I created Brotherhood of the Wolf—a comic book series that’s rewriting the narrative. We’re bringing authentic Muslim characters, historical settings, and gripping fantasy into a space that’s been missing this kind of storytelling. 


But let me be clear: this isn’t just about representation. It’s about giving readers what they crave: authenticity. 


Here’s how we do it with the 5 Pillars of Authentic Storytelling (M.A.G.I.C.): 


  • Muslim Representation – We feature Muslim heroes portrayed realistically and positively. 

  • Authentic Setting – Grounded in captivating historical periods, like the Ottoman Wars, that have been ignored for far too long. 

  • Gripping Narrative – Dark fantasy adventures that keep readers hooked while exploring deep themes. 

  • Imaginative World-Building – Regional folklore, arcane cults, and secret societies that bring depth to the story. 

  • Cultural Bridge – Our comics appeal to anyone who’s fascinated by the macabre and grim, Islamicate worlds. 


Here’s the thing: 


In the same way big tech companies are collapsing under the weight of their own nonsense, Hollywood and the mainstream comic industry are going to do the same. They’re too focused on the wrong things…. 


Overrun with management more worried about pronouns than product quality—the same is happening in media. 


That’s why Brotherhood of the Wolf is inevitable. 


If you’re tired of the same old stories with one-dimensional villains and you want to experience authentic, gripping tales that bridge cultures, this is your chance. 


But the cost of keeping this going is rising. We’re putting a ton of resources into making sure the stories are of the highest quality—artists, writers, and historical research don’t come cheap. And as our fanbase grows, we’re going to need more cash flow to keep up. 


That means these are premium books. 


Here’s what you’ll see in the first story arc of the main series (after The Lesser Evil  short story is published) 


You’ll see: 


  • The alchemical secret that could cost your soul—what Munir doesn’t know about the Red Sulphur could destroy him… and the entire empire. 

  • The biggest mistake these warriors make before entering a cursed village—where it’s not the monstrosity they should fear, but themselves. 

  • How Tahsin must rise and face an ancient evil hidden in the deepest fears of men. 


You don’t want to miss this. 


The world’s about to change in a big way. Brotherhood of the Wolf is inevitable. 


Are you in? 




P.S. A quick personal note: I’m not exactly a fan of the French government—they seem to have a knack for hating Islam as much as they love their cheap wine and STDs. Recently, a Muslim school opened in France, embracing noble Islamic principles like gender separation and headscarves. I’m not connected to this school in anyway, but I think it’s high time we help Make France Great Again–with Sharia! 


 If you’re interested in helping out, here’s the donation link: Support the School. 

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