Tales of Khayr Blog

  • Dark Fantasy writer
  • Independent comic book publisher
  • Commander of the Halal-Tainment Jihad
  • Art Director

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Flashy stunts may grab headlines, but let’s be real—they don’t win wars, and they certainly don’t secure the future.  Take these recent Mossad attacks in Lebanon, for example. They bear all the hallmarks of eager young intelligence officers, desperate to impress but hopelessly misguided in strategy.  Exhibit A: The James Bond villain”-style pager stunt—it’s a self-own, accomplishing [...]

You know, the state of storytelling today reminds me a lot of what’s happening in business and tech.  Just like the way major companies are focused on ticking all the wrong boxes—DEI compliance over quality, flashy features no one uses over customer service, and hiking prices while delivering worse results—the comic book industry has its own [...]

 I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this growing trend of writers using AI (artificial intelligence) to craft scripts, structure, and even dialogue. Honestly? It’s a great strategy… if you want to be bored out of your mind as a reader. AI, as it stands now—and maybe never—just doesn’t get human emotion. It can only mimic [...]

A “manosphere” fitness guru recently said this:   “I don’t own a television and the only time I see what’s on TV is at the gym.  Half the ads are pharma drugs ….  Half of which are psychiatric drugs The other half are diabetes and obesity drugs .The ads almost always have mixed race, overweight groups of people, [...]

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to work in tech and achieve great success. But I always felt something was missing in the world of entertainment – authentic, positive portrayals of Muslims in dark fantasy stories. That’s why I created the Brotherhood of the Wolf, a unique comic book series that fills this storytelling gap. And [...]

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Grasping at straws is a sure way to drown”?   Picture this: someone struggling in deep water, desperately reaching out for anything to keep them afloat—but all they find are a few flimsy straws.   It’s a losing battle….  Albert Einstein put it another way: “The definition of insanity is doing the [...]

Ever feel like your favorite shows and movies are going off the rails lately? You’re not alone.  Hollywood’s got a problem. They’re focusing on the wrong things, and it’s messing with our entertainment.  Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with diverse characters. But when that’s all they care about? That’s when stories start to suck.  So what’s [...]

We’re drowning in DMs. Drowning in texts. Drowning in emails. Enough already! I want to TALK. Remember that? Speaking. It’s spontaneous. Risky. Personal.   Yet if you’re on the younger side, it’s way too easy to fall into this trap. We tell ourselves it’s just how the world works now. We settle for “good enough” connections – [...]

Every comic I create isn’t about fame, fortune, or self-indulgence.  Trust me, there are easier paths to riches than sequential art.  I’m in this business for a deeper reason.  You see, many Muslims in the Anglosphere are afraid.  They’re struggling to connect with their kafir acquaintances.  Intellectual debate isn’t enough.  Islamic values need a place in the entertainment world too.  That’s why [...]

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