Tales of Khayr Blog

  • Dark Fantasy writer
  • Independent comic book publisher
  • Commander of the Halal-Tainment Jihad
  • Art Director

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Picture two men in ancient Greece: One dines from golden plates in a marble palace. Servants feed him delicacies from across the empire. The other sits in dirt, spooning lentils from a wooden bowl. The rich man (Aristippus) sneers down: “If you would learn to be subservient to the king, you wouldn’t have to live on lentils.” The poor [...]

“I hate you!” Words that launched 1,000 love stories. Yet while Hollywood churns out formulaic rom-coms, real love rarely follows a script. That’s why movies like “Palm Springs” (94% on Rotten Tomatoes) and “The Big Sick” (98% on Rotten Tomatoes) hit different. They dare to show love’s messy reality – where sometimes “I hate you” is more [...]

You’ve been flooding my inbox. Lighting up my phone. Some of you are practically clawing at my digital door for The Lesser Evil.  And I’ve been dropping breadcrumbs… maybe a few too many. (As one reader wrote at 3 AM: “too much foreplay can drive a person crazy.”)  I hear you. But let me pull back the [...]

Picture this: You’re curled up with your favorite book, lost in an epic battle scene. Your heart’s racing as the hero dodges a lethal blow, their sword arcing through the air in a desperate counter-attack… Now imagine that same scene written by AI: “The sword went up. The sword went down. The hero fought the villain. [...]

You’re probably sitting in your favorite reading spot right now, safe and comfortable. In the next 2 minutes, I’m going to share something that might make your stomach drop. Picture this: Your son is asleep in the next room. The letter trembling in your hands bears a royal seal – he’s been chosen for the empire’s [...]

It started with a simple question at the dinner table.  “Wesam, will computers have souls?”  I set down my fork, thinking about the AI art flooding my social feeds. About ChatGPT writing stories. About algorithms trying to capture human experience.  Here’s what I told her:  Picture a chess computer, methodically calculating every move. Checkmate is better than material gain. [...]

Picture this: You’re sitting in a darkened theater. On screen, a character stares pensively out a window for five minutes. Nothing happens. The scene is beautifully shot. Critics call it “contemplative.” You’re fighting the urge to check your phone. I get it. I’m the same way. While others bask in the “vibes” of arthouse cinema, I’m silently screaming, [...]

Ever had a scene stick in your head for years? There’s this moment in Prometheus where a woman uses a robotic surgery pod to cut an alien out of her own body. Pure tension. Raw survival. I was wincing the whole time. What’s weird, though? I can’t remember much else about the movie’s complex alien mythology. All [...]

Stand in the horror aisle of any 90s video store. Hulking shadows on VHS covers. Raw, primal imagery that made parents nervous. Stories that critics dismissed as “low brow” but held a magnificent truth: Some tales aren’t meant to be respectable. After 20 years in healthcare and tech, I finally understand what those “unambitious” horror stories got right. [...]

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