Bad Writing Is Birthed By Amateur Readers

Ever feel like your favorite shows and movies are going off the rails lately? You’re not alone. 


Hollywood’s got a problem. They’re focusing on the wrong things, and it’s messing with our entertainment. 


Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with diverse characters. But when that’s all they care about? That’s when stories start to suck. 


So what’s going on? Well, turns out Hollywood’s got a ton of scripts to sort through.  


Get this – 50,000+ scripts registered yearly, but only 25 to 100 sold. 


They use “professional” readers to pick the good ones–but these readers aren’t always the best judges. A writer’s script lives or dies by these readers all the same. 


Hollywood’s “solution”? They started “casting” writers based on diversity checkboxes. Now everyone’s padding their bios with trendy traits. Skill is now secondary. 


The result? We’re getting subpar stories pushed as “diverse” and “inclusive.” But let’s be real – a bad story is a bad story, no matter who wrote it. 


So if you’re feeling any of this…… 

  • You’re tired of being preached at instead of entertained 

  • You love diverse characters but want them in great stories 

  • You’re all for inclusion, but not at the expense of quality 

  • You miss the days when a good story was just… a good story 

Then the Brotherhood of the Wolf comic book series might be just what the doctor ordered. We are still on track to release “The Lesser Evil: Where Angels Fall, Monsters Rise” short story later this summer, inshAllah. 


Professor Aurelio–master artist of Italy’s prestigious Scuola del Fumetto– is finishing up page 10 of the pencils. After that he has 2 more pages to illustrate. 


Then comes the inks…then comes the grayscale…then comes the fun! 




P.S. If you’re looking for a way to financially assist the people of Gaza without getting in trouble with the law, the  Global Relief Trust (GRT) is an option. It’s a UK-government approved charity, has been distributing essential supplies such as food packs, water, and women’s sanitation packs despite the ongoing blockades. I’m not affiliated with them in any way but ask that you consider supporting them.  


Click here to learn more. 

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